Thursday 5 December 2019

Desert Skies

What TYPE of game is this?
Desert Skies seems like a action-adventure survival game that revolves around you flying around in a balloon and gathering supplies to get out of the desert, it is a very fun and scary game as there is a 'Seeker' trying to hunt you down as you play. Overall the game is a fun experience.

What did you do yesterday to win the game?
What I did to win the game was play strategically and sneak around when I entered new areas to avoid alerting the Seeker. The game is very stealth-like and action based. You can also hide in buildings to avoid it from finding you as you play.

Explain what you see and how to play the game.
When you first start, the story states you crash and all of your friends die from the crash, you are the only survivor and you have to take what in front of you to survive and load up the hot air balloon with fuel to escape. The controls are simple as you use the WASD keys to move and to interact with items is E or whatever key you set it as. You must find your way out of the area with the hot air balloon in which you load with wood or coal to move, sneaking is essential [CTRL key] and you move throughout the game without capturing the eyes of the 'Seeker'.

SIX- screenshots 

  • 3 of items to collect - with captions

    This is a picture of a hammer, which is needed to upgrade your hot air balloon and expand it.

    Picture of nails, which is needed to piece the wood together and expand your ship or make pickaxes.

    Picture of a chest with goodies such as rope and wood, rope is needed for your ship as well to climb or other crafting items.
  • 3 of the scenery - with captions
This is a picture of a rock that crosses over with another rock but under is a crashed wagon with dead bodies all over it.

                                        This is a picture of the empty desert which spans across miles and miles, it seems endless.
The picture of the hot air balloon and the scenery behind it, in which you travel with it and is your best friend along the ride.

What is your plan?
My current plan is to keep playing and reach the end as I take more pictures of the things needed, I also will be cautious and be sure to sneak anytime I can.

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